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Jewish people around the world celebrate Purim (March 13, 2025) in several fun ways, including the 2000+ year old beautiful tradition of sharing gifts of treats with our friends called mishloach manot. Every PJC member and Learning Center family will receive one Mishloach Manot goody bag with a letter from all those who have contributed. Please give as generously as you are able to support the LC and PJC activities. Please login on the top right if you are a member and want to bill to your account and just type in your name in the box at the top left of the page. Bags will be delivered to your home by volunteers or to your oldest child to take home from the Learning Center. Even if you don't want to donate, please complete the short form below to tell us if you want a bag or want to help out. Typically Learning Center families help by delivering bags in their neighborhood.
Thank you very much for participating in this important PJC fundraiser! -Marjut Herzog Mishloach Manot Chair, mobile: 305-725-0374